Hogwarts Magical Magical School dormitory, Griffin Doll, Slysin, Huffle puff, Raibunclaw's motifs and colors are available from ATELIER PIERROT!
It is a rare official collaboration item that combines delicate and gorgeous design and Harry Potter's world view.
Samples are available at each store at Atelier Piero.
[ATELIER PIERROT] Harry Potter Ribbon Broo Lace Up Beret including Tax 8,800 yen
A beret with a cute velor material.
It is a removable design with ribbon brooch.
You can use it for a ribbon brooch alone.
★size★* Please refer to the image.
Beret length about 27cm
Beret width about 27cm
Ribbon string width about 2cm
Ribbon string length about 170cm
[Ribbon brooch]
Ribbon length about 15.5cm
Ribbon width about 16cm
[Outer fabric]
100% polyester
[Velor ribbon]
100% nylon
Shantan (with print) 100% polyester
[Tulle & race]
100% polyester
[ATELIER PIERROT] Harry Potter Ribbon Broach Lace -up Beret Griffin Doll
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Hogwarts Magical Magical School dormitory, Griffin Doll, Slysin, Huffle puff, Raibunclaw's motifs and colors are available from ATELIER PIERROT!
It is a rare official collaboration item that combines delicate and gorgeous design and Harry Potter's world view.
Samples are available at each store at Atelier Piero.
[ATELIER PIERROT] Harry Potter Ribbon Broo Lace Up Beret including Tax 8,800 yen
A beret with a cute velor material.
It is a removable design with ribbon brooch.
You can use it for a ribbon brooch alone.
★size★* Please refer to the image.
Beret length about 27cm
Beret width about 27cm
Ribbon string width about 2cm
Ribbon string length about 170cm
[Ribbon brooch]
Ribbon length about 15.5cm
Ribbon width about 16cm
[Outer fabric]
100% polyester
[Velor ribbon]
100% nylon
Shantan (with print) 100% polyester
[Tulle & race]
100% polyester